Digital introduces readspeaker to increase accessibility for people with visual impairments


As part of its efforts to increase public awareness of medicine and health, the private health site is now introducing the possibility of having the site’s content read to you.

Important information should reach everyone, regardless of disability. contains thousands of articles on medical and health topics, targeting patients, family members and the general public. The site is now introducing readspeaker, a text-to-speech service, to increase both accessibility and the user experience for visitors.

Beside the title of each article, there is now a Listen button where the visitor can choose to have the content of the page read to them, while the text is highlighted so that the user can easily follow the flow of the content. Several features are also available, including the ability to set speed, pause, skip certain paragraphs and enlarge the text.

– This feature is not only helpful for people with visual impairments, but can also help those with low literacy skills, learning disabilities and people who simply prefer to absorb the content via audio rather than reading,” says Rikard Ekberg, CEO of Add Health Media.

An additional feature of the tool makes the texts available also to those who wish to read them in their own language. By selecting the text, you can choose to translate it into as many as 20 languages, including Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian and even Chinese.

For more information:

Rikard Ekberg, VD Add Health Media
[email protected], 0709-21 61 23

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