Add Health Media

Add Health Media’s digital giant DOKTORN gets a new suit


Recently, a completely new suit was launched for the country’s leading private medicine and health platform DOKTORN. Both the outside and the inside have received a thorough review and update that will help maintain the market-leading position for many years to come.

– I have been on this digital journey for ten years and over the years we have had a couple of occasions when the DOCTOR has received an update. This I would say is our biggest and most exciting to date and I am so proud to be able to present the same high quality and fantastic content on an even more accessible platform, says Anders Åker, editor-in-chief.

Among the news is a new design language, increased accessibility and AI-based recommended reading. Under the shell, they have worked hard to optimize loading times, ensure SEO power and that the DOCTOR is adapted to which device the visit takes place with, today more often than rarely via mobile or tablet.

At the same time as the digital platform is updated, the editorial staff faces many exciting challenges and at the same time maintaining the continued high quality that is appreciated by the reader.

– Every month we have millions of visitors and during the ongoing pandemic we have seen how important the DOCTOR is for the population when it comes to finding knowledge in medicine and health as we have regularly broken visitor records. In annual external surveys, we have received over 90 percent, sometimes close to 100 percent, on credibility, reading comprehension and we know that the reader will find what he is looking for. This is a banner we will continue to hold high even in our new suit. With the new platform, the editorial content is presented in a stronger way at the same time as we open up to create new content, for example, video has been given a more prominent role on the new platform, states Anders Åker.

Behind the update is Add Health Media’s own digital team with developers and project managers and where Richard Österlind has been project manager for DOKTORN.

– The biggest challenge has been to handle the large amount of articles and pages that were in the previous system. THE DOCTOR has been around for over 13 years and has also been built on various technical platforms with the technical challenges of the time. When migrating older content created, it has been a great challenge to find a common denominator to import all content into the new system. We took on the challenge and have been able to deliver the DOCTOR in a new suit, says Richard Österlind.

Richard Österlind states that the greatest benefit has been to initially be allowed to gather in a larger project group and freely devise solutions to a number of set requirements and wishes.

– It is very satisfying to work with many competent and knowledgeable colleagues from the various business branches within the company. Not having technical requirements for a platform has also meant that it has been possible to think more freely based on needs rather than relating to technically set requirements. The new DOCTOR is thus built on the basis of needs analysis rather than technical limitations.

They have now chosen WordPress, one of the world’s largest content management tools (CMS tools) as a platform, as they believe that the tool today enables functionality for a full-scale editorial CMS. Great focus has also been on further sharpening the SEO ranking and one way to do this has been to maintain all existing link addresses and metadata on existing articles and they have also worked to further improve performance.

– Overall, the work we have done has made the updated DOCTOR perform very well in tests both mobile and desktop. The fact that WordPress has a large community that contributes with new functionality, a large number of developers and very good performance tools for optimizing the website contributed to the choice of WordPress as an editorial tool. This has been one of the major projects that the digital agency has navigated through and delivered. I can proudly say that there has been a great deal of commitment and drive from the entire project group, even when we have encountered difficult technical problems. THE DOCTOR has many readers and solid and elaborate content, and there has been a strong sense of pride in having the confidence to make all material available in an even more digital and modern, appealing way, concludes Richard Österlind.

THE DOCTOR is currently available in all Nordic countries and the goal is to roll out the new platform gradually during the year.

– We continue to accelerate in the Nordic markets and meet new readers and look forward to updating the platforms in all countries. Sweden is still our largest market and where we have the most visitors at the same time as we grow in the other Nordic countries. With this new platform, we know that we will ensure that we continue to be the leading media house in medicine and health and create opportunities to meet both visitors and business partners with digitally innovative solutions, says Johan Bloom, founder of Add Health Media.

Visit DOKTORN at

See the article about the updated platform on

For more information contact:

Anders Åker, editor-in-chief
[email protected], 0703-648422

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