Add Health Media

Praktisk Medicin enables the entire Nordic healthcare staff to deepen their knowledge of pulmonary arterial hypertension


Under the PM Academy initiative, Praktisk Medicin continuously launches training courses for doctors and other healthcare staff. The concept is also growing outside Sweden’s borders and now education about pulmonary arterial hypertension is available throughout the Nordic region. is one of Sweden’s largest platforms for information and continuing education for doctors and other healthcare professionals. Every month, the site has 370,000 unique visitors, the majority of whom are healthcare professionals. Over the past three years, PM Academy’s medical educations have captured the interest of over 26,000 people in this professional group.

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) means high blood pressure in the pulmonary artery and its branches due to proliferation and vasoconstriction at the arteriole level. The education was first developed in Sweden and has since been translated and adapted to Norwegian, Danish and Finnish in collaboration with specialists from each country who have fact-checked its content.

– The Swedish PAH education has attracted great interest since it was launched last year, as many as 92% of those who have completed the education answer that it gave them increased knowledge about the disease. It is very fun and exciting that we now reach out to the entire Nordic healthcare profession, says Sofia Åkerlund, leg. doctor and editor-in-chief of Praktisk Medicin.

The education is structured with patient cases and consists of 7 questions and answers that aim to spread increased knowledge about the disease’s pathophysiology, symptoms, investigation process and treatment options.

– PAH is a rare but very serious disease that can be incorrectly interpreted as COPD, asthma or left-sided heart disease. With increased knowledge and awareness of PAH among healthcare professionals, those who are affected by PAH can see a PAH specialist more quickly. The earlier the correct diagnosis is made and the correct treatment is initiated, the better the prognosis for the patient. Janssen runs several initiatives to increase knowledge about PAH and the collaboration with Praktisk Medicin and the education PM Academy is one of them, says Johan Ottander, Nordic Brand Lead PH at Janssen-Cilag AB.

– The education is structured to inspire and motivate learning by using questions and answers where the doctor is challenged with patient cases interspersed with factual questions. The advantage is also that it is short and can be carried out during a coffee break, it is a small effort to get in-depth knowledge and thus increased patient safety, says Sofia Åkerlund.

Add Health Media has operations in all Nordic countries for both patients and healthcare professionals. They believe in an increased need for further training for healthcare staff and more Nordic training is therefore to be expected in the future.

For education in Sweden

For education in Norway

For education in Denmark

For education in Finland

For more information:
Sofia Åkerkund, leg. doctor and editor-in-chief Praktisk Medicin
[email protected] , 0702-20 53 88

The training in pulmonary arterial hypertension has received independent financial support from Janssen Cilag AB.

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