Add Health Media

Great interest in PAH education at


In just a few weeks, over 200 doctors completed a new training in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Of all previous educations, the PAH education has received the highest proportion of doctors who state that they have learned something new.

As many as 96% thought that they learned something new against an average of about 90%.

– We see that many answer incorrectly to the control questions, which triggers the doctors to absorb the correct information in subsequent answers. The PAH education has really been successful with many completed educations in a short time and a high grade on the education, says Johan Bloom, editor at Praktisk Medicin.

Of the doctors who have completed the training, 60% are general practitioners
and 40% other specialty. The training is aimed at healthcare staff in Sweden and is fact-checked by Björn Kornhall, cardiologist and chief physician, Skåne University Hospital, Lund is visited by 370,000 unique visitors every month and has become one of Sweden’s largest platforms for healthcare staff to retrieve information and receive training. Many doctors use the training platform PM Academy, where more than 15,000 training courses have been completed in the past two years. Add Health Media has operations in all Nordic countries for both patients and healthcare professionals.

– The education is structured to inspire and motivate learning by using questions and answers where the doctor is challenged with patient cases interspersed with factual questions. The training has been deliberately done so that it only takes about 10 minutes to complete, but that the transfer of knowledge becomes effective when there are interactions, says Johan Bloom.

Here you will find the training for PAH.
For more information:

Do you want to know more about how you can build a similar high-quality education aimed at doctors and other healthcare professionals? You are warmly welcome to contact Rikard Ekberg, partner and Nordisk KAM.

[email protected] , +46 709 216 123

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