Add Health Media

Gain in-depth knowledge of eosinophilic asthma in new education from Praktisk Medicin


Under the PM Academy initiative, Praktisk Medicin continuously launches training courses for doctors and other healthcare staff. The latest in a row wants to strengthen the clinical knowledge about eosinophilic asthma. is one of Sweden’s largest platforms for information and continuing education for doctors and other healthcare professionals. Every month, the site has 370,000 unique visitors, the majority of whom are healthcare professionals. Over the past three years, PM Academy’s medical educations have captured the interest of over 26,000 people in this professional group.

Eosinophilic asthma is a non-allergic type of asthma in which patients have high levels of eosinophils in the blood and in the mucous membranes of the airways. Patients with this type of asthma often experience increasing symptoms and more frequent exacerbations than regular asthma patients, and regular asthma treatment is often not enough. The education from PM Academy has been developed in collaboration with Nikolaos Lazarinis, chief physician, ME Lung and allergy diseases at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna / Huddinge.

– The education is important for all doctors who see patients with suspected severe asthma, says Nikolaos Lazarinis, chief physician, ME Lung and allergy diseases at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna / Huddinge.

The training consists of a patient case with 7 questions where you can follow Jonas, 44 years old, who has been diagnosed with asthma for 2 years. The purpose is to provide the doctor with important information about severe asthma, knowledge that comes in handy in clinical everyday life.

– We at Praktisk Medicin are proud to participate in the dissemination of knowledge about what can best be described as precision medicine for patients with severe asthma. The advantage of this education is also that it is short and can be carried out during a coffee break, it is a small effort to get in-depth knowledge and thus increased patient safety, says Rebecka Kaplan Sturk, specialist in gynecology / obstetrics and acting. editor-in-chief of Praktisk Medicin.

Add Health Media has operations in all Nordic countries for both patients and healthcare professionals. They believe in an increased need for further training for healthcare staff and more training, both in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic region, is therefore to be expected in the future.

For more information:
Rebecka Kaplan Sturk, specialist in gynecology / obstetrics and acting. editor-in-chief Praktisk Medicin
[email protected]

The education about uncontrolled asthma in adults has received independent financial support from GSK Sweden.

Click here to get to the training.

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