The IBS test – a new successful campaign from DOKTORN


Following the success of the Migraine Test, the DOCTOR has now launched the IBS test, which had over 60,000 visits in the initial week. Through Schibsted’s network, the campaign reaches 8 million Swedes every week and focuses on the fact that many people have stomach problems without knowing that it is actually IBS.

IBS is one of the most common diseases in the world and Sweden is no exception. According to surveys, functional gastrointestinal disorders are estimated to affect 10-15 percent of the population. The fact that the symptoms can be gas in the stomach, irregular toilet habits and stomach pain means that it is often interpreted as other stomach problems.

– With the IBS test, which has been developed in collaboration with experts from Belly Balance, we can more easily help many people with stomach problems to identify if they can actually suffer from IBS. As we already know, it is essential, in order to get the right help, that you also get the correct diagnosis. The hope is that the IBS test, just like the Migraine test, reaches the Swedish population and that you feel that you get the help you need, says Anders Åker, editor-in-chief DOCTOR.

As in the case of the Migraine Test, the campaign has already had a great impact initially. 40 percent of those who have visited the site have completed the test, which helps to identify victims.

– I have worked for a long time with IBS patients and see how many have not received the help they need. We hope that with the help of the DOCTOR we can reach out more broadly to this patient group. Many people go with their stomach problems unnecessarily and this is something we absolutely need to do something about, says Sofia Antonsson, dietitian who works with the diet treatment FODMAP via the digital platform Belly Balance.

The campaign runs during the month of December, a period when stress, Christmas food and travel contribute to increased ill health when it comes to the stomach and intestines. For many, the problems can be temporary, but for those with IBS, the problems can persist and create both discomfort and suffering.

– When the campaign period is over, we will summarize the data and make sure to reach out to all those who have been identified and offer help in various forms. We believe that this campaign, just like the Migraine Test, will be a success and since IBS is considered a largely public disease, this is a very important contribution on our part, says Anders Åker.

In addition to Schibsted’s network, which includes Aftonbladet, the campaign will also run on DOKTORN’s own channels.

At, you who are interested can take the IBS test.

Facts IBS

Stress stomach, balloon stomach, milk stomach – IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal disease which means that you can not find any defects in the stomach or intestines, they just do not work properly as they should. About 15-20 percent of the world’s population has IBS and the majority of those seeking care for IBS are women aged 20-65. Among men, the number of men is large, partly due to the fact that the proportion of men seeking care is smaller. Among children and young people, the number who are diagnosed with IBS is increasing. It has long been known that psychological factors are important in IBS and that anxiety and stress can aggravate the disease. Research on IBS is ongoing, both in terms of cause and treatment. Previously, concrete dietary advice was lacking in health care, which resulted in general advice such as adjusting the amount of fiber, removing lactose or, in the worst case, no advice at all. Today, the evidence-based diet treatment FODMAP is used in healthcare. With it, over 75 percent of everyone with IBS has reduced symptoms and increased quality of life.

Source: Belly Balance

For more information:
Anders Åker, editor-in-chief DOCTOR
[email protected] , 0703-64 84 22

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