Add Health Media

RemissHjälpen raises 9.3 million and invests in a SaaS solution for healthcare referrals


Inefficiencies in healthcare referrals cost society about 7.5 billion annually. Through further development of its digital care service, RemissHjälpen intends to offer public and private care providers a tool that increases efficiency in referral and thereby for care as a whole. The company has therefore raised SEK 9.3 million from a number of new and existing investors, including Add Health Media, Almi invest and Linbo invest.

The relatively low degree of acceptance of the millions of referrals sent annually is estimated to cost Swedish society SEK 7.5 billion and contributes to lack of care and unnecessary suffering for the country’s patients. Through its new SaaS service, RemissHjälpen can offer its expertise to other care providers and thereby increase efficiency for the individual care provider and for society as a whole. The company’s service streamlines referral flows and shortens waiting times for specialists, operations and X-rays, among other things.

Through the issue, RemissHjälpen intends to accelerate the investment in the development of its SaaS service and will in connection with this seek new employees in technical development, digital marketing and sales.

– During May and June, we reached break-even, but now with the help of new and existing owners want to take a faster step towards streamlining the work of care and shortening the care queues. Care queues and inefficient care flows are a complex problem that costs society billions every year. It mainly leads to human suffering and in the worst case it costs lives. I am therefore incredibly humble and grateful for the trust we have received to invest more resources in what we know is part of the solution, says Alexander Knezevic, CEO and founder of RemissHjälpen.

The largest co-owners besides the founders are Add Health Media, Conscriptor (owned by Verdane Capital), Almi Invest, Linbo Invest, Husläkarna Falkenberg and Belimama.

– We have focused our investments solely on digital health and participated in RemissHjälpen’s first investment round about 2 years ago. We see that all our holdings have been in great demand with the covid-19 pandemic. RemissHjälpen is just right and has a finished product that can be scaled up. They will fill a great need in the digitalisation of healthcare, says Johan Bloom, CEO of Add Health Media.

RemissHjälpen has collected data from specialist clinics about what is important for them to accept a referral and at the same time carried out thousands of referrals that confirm that the platform is in reality.

– We have collected data on what is important to include in the referral for each symptom or diagnosis. This data is similar all over the world as diseases do not differ from country to country. That is why we are looking at going international when we have tested the Saas model in Sweden. We have a long lead over all possible competitors, says Alexander.


Alexander Knezevic

+46 (0) 702-557 498, [email protected]


Johan Bloom, CEO, Add Health Media

+46 (0) 733 648 490, [email protected]

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