Add Health Media

New Nordic education course from Praktisk Medicin in the prevention of kidney failure in type 2 diabetes

2023/02/13 is one of Sweden’s largest decision support and education platforms for doctors and other healthcare professionals. Its educational section is also available in our neighbouring countries. A new training programme is now being launched in Sweden, Norway and Denmark with the aim of increasing knowledge about the prevention of kidney failure in type 2 diabetes.

Every month is visited by 300 000 unique visitors, the majority of whom are healthcare professionals. The website has a training section that is used by many doctors – over 15,000 training courses have been held in recent years. Previously, the training courses were hosted under the PM Academy domain, but have now been integrated on for easier access. In the rest of the Nordic countries, they are available at:, and

A large number of diabetes and renal failure patients are managed in primary care, which is why it is important that the level of knowledge of doctors and health professionals is high and up to date. The training at Praktisk Medicin was developed in collaboration with Maria Eriksson Svensson, senior physician and professor of renal medicine at Uppsala University, and aims to increase the knowledge of prescribing healthcare professionals. The translations were then reviewed by Professor Peter Rossing, Professor and Senior Physician Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen and Professor Trond Jenssen, Senior Physician Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Professor University of Oslo.

– Early detection and early intervention prevents advanced chronic kidney disease and is crucial for prognosis. But more needs to be done! Chronic kidney disease cannot yet be cured, but it can be treated and slowed down, and the earlier we can start treatment, the greater the benefits both for the individual and for society,’ says Professor Maria Eriksson Svensson.

The training consists of 6 questions and answers that inspire and motivate learning in an interactive way. It is deliberately designed to take only about 10-15 minutes to complete while maintaining high quality.

– In surveys that doctors have filled in after completed trainings, we can see that there is a great interest in testing and replenishing the knowledge bank. More than 80% believe that the trainings are useful in their daily clinical practice and 90% would like to do more trainings and recommend them to their colleagues. It’s great to see and we look forward to continuing to develop new courses in more areas,” says Sofia Åkerlund, leg. doctor and editor-in-chief of Praktisk Medicin.

Praktisk Medicin’s Nordic education platform was launched in 2020, and there is also a great interest and need for continuing education for healthcare professionals. More Nordic training courses are expected.

To education course (SE)

To education course (NO)

To education course (DK)


För mer information:
Sofia Åkerlund, leg. physician and editor-in-chief of Praktisk Medicin
[email protected], 070-2­20 53 88

The education course in kidney failure prevention in type 2 diabetes has received independent financial support from Bayer AB.


About Add Health Media
Add Health Media is one of the largest health and medical media houses in the Nordic countries. I the DOKTORN brand, which targets the general public and patients, includes waiting room TV and one of the most visited websites in the Nordic countries,
which also includes sister sites in Denmark, Finland and Norway. Add Health Media also operates Practical Medicine,, a decision support tool for healthcare professionals, and produces training courses for health
health professionals throughout the Nordic region. It also includes Pharma Industry Publishing, whose brands target specific specialist segments within healthcare, and people in the pharmaceutical industry.

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