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New education from Praktisk Medicin will increase doctors’ knowledge in allergy and asthma


Praktisk Medicin is one of Sweden’s largest platforms for information and continuing education for doctors and other healthcare professionals. During the autumn, several new educations were launched, the latest of which focuses on allergies and asthma and aims to provide doctors with increased knowledge in diagnostics. is visited by 370,000 unique visitors every month, the majority of whom are healthcare staff. Many doctors use the PM Academy training platform, where more than 15,000 training courses have been completed in the past two years. The range is now being expanded with another education, this time in allergy and asthma, where PM Academy has collaborated with child and adolescent allergist Magnus Borres at Akademiska Barnsjukhuset, Uppsala. The training consists of seven questions and answers that test the doctor’s clinical knowledge in the field of therapy.

– Patients with allergies and asthma are a common group of patients and therefore it is important that the latest findings are disseminated to the medical profession. Many people are allergic today and it is often difficult to know what the underlying cause of the problem is. New allergy tests have been developed in recent years, so-called allergenic components that make it possible to better distinguish severe allergies from cross-reactions. Praktisk Medicin’s new education in allergy and asthma gives doctors important information that I think many do not know today, says Magnus Borres.

All educations from PM Academy are structured to inspire and motivate learning through questions and answers linked to patient cases interspersed with factual questions.

– We know that doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff have a stressful winter ahead of them and have therefore adapted and developed these educations that are of high quality, have a pedagogical structure and can also be completed in a short time. We also see in surveys that 85-95 percent of doctors believe that the educations have helped them in their clinical everyday life and over 90 percent would like to do more educations and recommend them to their colleagues, says Johan Bloom, editor of Praktisk Medicin.

PM Academy was also recently launched in the other Nordic countries, which gives all Nordic doctors and healthcare professionals access to professional training that is quality-reviewed by experts.

Click here to get to the education about allergies and asthma.

For more information:

Johan Bloom, editor of Praktisk Medicin
[email protected], 0733-64 84 90

The training in allergy has received independent financial support from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

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