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Information that antibiotics damage the intestinal flora needs to reach out


The Antibiotic Barometer survey with over 8,000 respondents showed that 24% were worried about how their intestinal flora is negatively affected by antibiotic treatment. 77% were worried that resistant bacteria would become more common in society. Strama Stockholm believes that the survey confirms their view of the problems surrounding antibiotic use.

The survey was conducted during the summer of 2020 on and the results show several interesting data:

  • 7% buy antibiotics online because doctors do not prescribe them.
  • 12% require antibiotics even if the doctor is hesitant.
  • 20% question whether they need antibiotics even if the doctor prescribes them.
  • 56% do as the doctor says.

When asked what problems they are worried about when using antibiotics, resistant bacteria (77%) were most commonly followed by a weakened immune system (33%), altered intestinal flora that causes stomach upset (24%) and problems with fungus in the abdomen (12%). 9% stated that they were not worried about anything.

– It is clear that the network against antibiotic resistance, Strama, has succeeded in reaching out with information about the problem of resistant bacteria caused by antibiotics. In the future, it will also be important to reach out with the problems that antibiotics can create directly during treatment, such as the intestinal flora changing and other normal flora being affected in the abdomen and skin, says Pernilla Bloom, editor-in-chief of

Because there is a large amount of data, a broad knowledge has been gained which, among other things, shows that 44% more men than women require antibiotics. The survey also shows that only 6% of those who have young children want antibiotics if it speeds up recovery.

The study will be repeated again this winter to follow changes in behavior over time. In parallel, another survey was conducted on where 190 doctors answered questions about their antibiotic prescription. The doctors’ answers show that 93% follow Strama’s guidelines for prescribing antibiotics.

Strama is a network consisting of local Strama groups in all regions and a coordinating unit called National Strama. The purpose of the activity is to work for a wise and restrained use of antibiotics. The network collaborates with both the Swedish Public Health Agency and Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions.

– Patients refusing to take antibiotics can be risky and therefore it is important that patients can trust that the doctor makes the right choice and does not prescribe antibiotics unnecessarily. At, doctors can complete a short training in antibiotic prescribing that has been reviewed by Strama Stockholm. Strama also has training for both healthcare staff and patients on its websites and, says Pernilla Bloom.

Comments from Strama Stockholm about the survey

“The result confirms Strama Stockholm’s image that the problem of antibiotic resistance is complex. The answers show, among other things, that resistance is a known problem in some parts of the population and most of the prescribers. In the groups of the elderly and children, more antibiotics are consumed than in the group in between. This is not surprising given that each age group suffers from many infections. Despite this, we at Strama Stockholm know that overconsumption occurs at all ages and that continued work for a wise and restrained use of antibiotics is really needed. The results of the survey also clearly show that many factors affect how the population views antibiotic use in general.

For example, gender, family situation, background knowledge, age and life situation. Therefore, the work of reducing unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in primarily outpatient care needs to be focused on different segments. In addition to a continued continuous dialogue with the healthcare profession, information efforts are also needed to increase the public’s knowledge about infections and antibiotics. A few years ago, Strama Stockholm developed an interactive evidence-based web training called . This training illustrates what a wise and restrained use of antibiotics means, through clear examples of common infections. The purpose is for the individual to gain a better knowledge of when antibiotics are useful and when they can refrain, but also the advantages and disadvantages of antibiotics. Examples of important messages are that unnecessary consumption of antibiotics increases the development of antibiotic resistance in society and that the individual’s important normal flora (microbiota) is also negatively affected. ”

For more information:

Pernilla Bloom, Editor-in-Chief, [email protected] , 0733-648497

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