Add Health Media

Digital diary simplifies communication


Add Health Media is investing in the e-health company PictureMyLife, which offers a digital diary for children and adults with autism or Down syndrome. The diary facilitates communication between the school, the care and relatives.

In March, the fast-growing health media company Add Health Media invested in PictureMyLife, which has a digital, picture-based diary for children and adults with cognitive difficulties. It enables simple, interactive communication between home and school or between daily activities and housing and family. The service is already used by about 40 schools and a number of housing and day care activities.

– I am very pleased that we get Add Health Media as a partner because they have knowledge and media that reach out to our customers. We see that there is a great demand for a simple digital tool for daily communication with the school, care and family. We know that it is a good service because 95% extend their subscriptions, says Yvonne Malmström Grimme, co-owner and CEO of PictureMyLife.

The digital Diary simplifies communication while following the new law. It only takes a few keystrokes to upload photos, videos and texts and share the information with everyone who is invited.

– The new GDPR law will make paper diaries and e-mails impossible to use for communication between parents and school or care. We saw that PictureMyLife is just right for taking over these older insecure communication paths. They have a really good solution and we want to help them reach out faster, says Johan Bloom, co-owner and business developer at Add Health Media.

Rikard Ekberg from Add Health Media takes a seat on PictureMyLife’s board. Rikard has extensive experience from the pharmaceutical industry in various positions, including Rikard has started up the pharmaceutical company Shire’s ADHD operations in the Nordic region.

For more information:

Johan Bloom, Development manager, Add Health Media AB
[email protected]
0733-64 84 90

Yvonne Malmström Grimme, CEO, Picturemylife
[email protected]
0707-24 09 03,

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