Add Health Media

Add Health Media acquires Pharma Industry Publishing – creating synergies in the media business


Add Health Media acquires, through its parent company Curus, Pharma Industry Publishing. The acquisition complements Add Health Media’s broad portfolio of communication services to both patients and healthcare professionals, in particular to specific specialist segments within healthcare.

Pharma Industry Publishing has several strong brands in its portfolio with Onkologi i Sverige and Neurologi i Sverige, reaching out to all those working with these patient groups. It also has Pharma Industry, Pharma Jobs and PI Academy, which are primarily aimed at the pharmaceutical industry and its suppliers

Newly formed Curus, parent company of wholly owned Add Heath Media, recently raised capital to create a strong player in digital health, where it now has a portfolio of 22 companies in total. The focus of Curus is to invest in growth companies in digital health as well as acquisitions of profitable companies in health, healthcare and medicine that can support the growth companies. Pharma Industry is the first acquisition to be announced.

– Pharma Industry is the first out and we aim to have a fast pace of acquisitions to build a dominant media and education platform for healthcare professionals in the Nordic market, says Johan Bloom, CEO and founder of Curus.

He expects a couple more acquisitions and then to grow organically and increase market share. Today, Add Health Media is one of the leading media companies in the Nordic region with a scientific focus on health and medicine. Pharma Industry is dominant in media to the pharmaceutical industry and to oncology and neurology physicians in Sweden.

– I have followed Pharma Industry since the company was founded in 1998 and have been impressed by their ability to build strong media platforms that are truly appreciated by readers. We see that they complement Add Health Media well and we are looking at new services that the acquisition provides, says Rikard Ekberg, CEO of Add Health Media.

Niclas Ahlberg, CEO and co-founder of Pharma Industry Publishing, is pleased to be part of the Add Health Media organisation:

– A strong digital competence is a prerequisite for future education and media platforms for healthcare professionals. Reinvesting profits in growth companies that build the future of healthcare is very appealing to us.

Add Health Media has previously made several acquisitions, including Nordisk Väntrums-TV (2012), Three Doktors (2017), with the book and digital platform and digital agency Occident (2019). Add Health Media’s parent company Curus’ portfolio of growth companies has seen rapid value growth, with 22 companies included, including Mindler, Colivia, FindOut Diagnostic, Knodd, Medicheck, Health Integrator, Eatit and Migränhjälpen.

For more information:

Niclas Ahlberg, VD Pharma Industry Publishing
[email protected], 0704-91 05 20

Rikard Ekberg, VD Add Health Media AB
[email protected],  0709-21 61 23


Om Add Health Media

Add Health Media är ett av Nordens största mediehus inom hälsa och medicin. I varumärket DOKTORN, som riktar sig till allmänhet och patient, ingår väntrums-TV samt en av Nordens mest besökta hemsidor, som även inkluderar systersajter i Danmark, Finland och Norge. Add Health Media driver även Praktisk Medicin,, ett beslutsstöd för vårdpersonal, samt producerar utbildningar för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i hela Norden.

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